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ERADIS - NoBo EC Certificates-Before submitting an EC Certificate

For any questions regarding ERADIS, please send an email to [email protected]

The NoBo should send an appropriate request to ERADIS providing the relevant information of its organization and of the user/s to whom access should be granted.

For any questions regarding ERADIS, please send an email to [email protected]

The EC Certificate number shall follow the harmonized format provided in RFU-STR-001:

NNNN / T / M / YEAR / SSS / C1C2 / #

Other formats (see examples below) will not be accepted in ERADIS:

NNNN - T - M - YEAR - SSS - C1C2 - #

NNNN _ T _ M _ YEAR _ SSS _ C1C2 _ #

The following mistakes are not reason for not publishing an EC Certificate. However, NoBos can be asked to correct them in future issued EC Certificates:

  • Reference to the applied module. Each Certificate must be issued according to a unique module. E.g., NNNN/T/SB+SD/YEAR/SSS/C1C2/# is an incorrect number.
  • Reference to the year of issue. The year of issue must include 4 digits. In no case should be reduced to 2 digits. E.g., NNNN/T/M/19/SSS/C1C2/# is an incorrect number.
  • Reference to the subsystem concerned. The only possible subsystems are INF, RST, ENE, CCO and CCT. E.g., NNNN/T/M/YEAR/NOI/C1C2/# is an incorrect number.
  • Reference to the languages used in the Certificate. In case of two languages, they have to be referenced using the EU codes and they don’t have to be separated by any character. E.g., NNNN/T/M/YEAR/SSS/DE-EN/# is an incorrect number.

For any questions regarding ERADIS, please send an email to [email protected]

In compliance with RFU-STR-001, when a Certificate is reissued, the Certificate number must include an issue reference, e.g.: if there is a Certificate with number “NNNN / T / M / YEAR / SSS / C1C2 / #”, the new issue could be “NNNN / T / M / YEAR / SSS / C1C2 / # issue 2”.

For any questions regarding ERADIS, please send an email to [email protected]

The NoBo should look in its saved drafts where there may be a draft certificate with the same Certificate number as the one the NoBo is trying to submit. The NoBo may access draft EC Certificates from the main page of the “NoBo EC Certificates in ERADIS”, by clicking on the option “Open saved draft” (see Figure 1).


NoBo EC Certificate

NoBo EC Certificate

Figure 1

For any questions regarding ERADIS, please send an email to [email protected]

Currently, ERADIS does not allow to delete drafts (it’s a change request for 2020).

If you do not want to submit a draft EC Certificate you have created, you may use it for another Certificate even if it does not match the Certificate ‘type’ indicated in the draft, in this case you will need to modify the [type] field (refer to Question XX on how to modify the field [type] on an EC Certificate).

Please note that, in case of a draft amending a previous EC Certificate, this draft cannot be used for another EC Certificate different from the one it intended to amend. In this case, you have to submit it to ERADIS and request the Agency to delete it by sending an email to ERADIS.

For any questions regarding ERADIS, please send an email to [email protected]

When an Applicant with a certain name and address already exists in the reference data of ERADIS, the same Applicant name with another address cannot be used. If this is the case, the NoBo user needs to register a new Applicant in the system, this could be done by adding to the Applicant’s name the city of the new address (i.e. an Applicant is already registered in ERADIS with “Address 1” in “City 1”, the new Applicant name could be “[Applicant name] (City 2)”, with “Address 2” in “City 2”).

For any questions regarding ERADIS, please send an email to [email protected]

Although it is not mandatory in ERADIS to attach the pdf file of the ISV/Certificate itself, ERA recommends NoBos to attach a copy (usually a PDF file) of the ISV/EC Certificate as a good practice and for any future processing of authorization requests by the Agency. In any case, attachments are not visible to the public but only to Agency staff having privileged access to ERADIS.

NOTE: Applicants and NoBos should be aware that, if a Certificate pdf is missing in an authorization file submitted to the Agency, this may cause delays to the authorisation process. You may find relevant legal background in the following two ‘Lines to take’ issued by ERA:

For any questions regarding ERADIS, please send an email to [email protected]

Needs to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

For any questions regarding ERADIS, please send an email to [email protected]

The EC Certificate will be published although it includes inconsistencies or mistakes and NoBos are asked to be consistent with the paper version of the Certificates, nevertheless, there can be justified exceptions where NoBos will be asked to modify the information in ERADIS (e.g., a Certificate that should be expired appears as ‘valid’).

For any questions regarding ERADIS, please send an email to [email protected]