[ { "kind": 1, "language": "markdown", "value": "# Number of tracks, per country, that are not TSI compliant" }, { "kind": 2, "language": "sparql", "value": "#\n# Query [endpoint=https://virtuoso.ecdp.tech.ec.europa.eu/sparql] Query \n# \nPREFIX era: \nPREFIX xsd: \n\nSELECT DISTINCT ?country (COUNT(DISTINCT ?track) AS ?countTracks)\nWHERE {\nGRAPH {\n ?sectionOfLine a era:SectionOfLine .\n ?sectionOfLine era:inCountry ?country .\n ?sectionOfLine era:track ?track .\n ?track a era:Track . \n ?track era:hasTSITrainDetection "false"^^xsd:boolean \n}\n} ORDER BY ?country\n" }, { "kind": 1, "language": "markdown", "value": "# Number of tracks, per country, whose associated train detection systems are not TSI compliant." }, { "kind": 2, "language": "sparql", "value": "#\n# Query [endpoint=https://virtuoso.ecdp.tech.ec.europa.eu/sparql] Query \n# \nPREFIX era: \n\nSELECT DISTINCT ?country ?p (COUNT(DISTINCT ?track) AS ?numberTracks)\nWHERE {\nGRAPH {\n ?sectionOfLine a era:SectionOfLine .\n ?sectionOfLine era:inCountry ?country .\n ?sectionOfLine era:track ?track .\n ?track a era:Track . \n ?track era:trainDetectionSystem ?tds .\n ?tds a era:TrainDetectionSystem .\n VALUES ?p {era:tsiCompliantCompositeBrakeBlocks era:tsiCompliantFerromagneticWheel era:tsiCompliantMaxImpedanceWheelset era:tsiCompliantMetalConstruction era:tsiCompliantMetalFreeSpace era:tsiCompliantRSTShuntImpedance era:tsiCompliantSandCharacteristics era:tsiCompliantSanding era:tsiCompliantShuntDevices } \n ?tds ?p \n }\n} ORDER BY ?country ?p" }, { "kind": 1, "language": "markdown", "value": "# Types of gauging profiles of tracks in neighbouring countries to Ukraine." }, { "kind": 2, "language": "sparql", "value": "#\n# Query [endpoint=https://virtuoso.ecdp.tech.ec.europa.eu/sparql] Query \n# \nPREFIX era: \nPREFIX country: \n\nSELECT DISTINCT ?country ?gprofile\nWHERE {\nGRAPH {\n VALUES ?country {country:HUN country:ROU country:SVK country:POL}\n ?sectionOfLine a era:SectionOfLine .\n ?sectionOfLine era:inCountry ?country .\n ?sectionOfLine era:track ?track .\n ?track a era:Track . \n ?track era:gaugingProfile ?gprofile .\n }\n} ORDER BY ?country" }, { "kind": 1, "language": "markdown", "value": "# INSPIRE data generation. Example of link generation from tracks" }, { "kind": 2, "language": "sparql", "value": "#\n# Query [endpoint=https://virtuoso.ecdp.tech.ec.europa.eu/sparql] Query \n# \nPREFIX era: \nPREFIX inspire: \nCONSTRUCT { \n?track a inspire:Link; \ninspire:Link.startNode ?startOP; \ninspire:Link.endNode ?endOP. \n?startOP a inspire:Node. \n ?endOP a inspire:Node.\n} WHERE {\n?track a era:Track;\n^era:track [\nera:opStart ?startOP;\nera:opEnd ?endOP;\nera:inCountry \n].\n}" } ]