[ { "kind": 1, "language": "markdown", "value": "# Auxiliar query to retrieve core parameters elements" }, { "kind": 2, "language": "sparql", "value": "#\n# Query [endpoint=https://virtuoso.ecdp.tech.ec.europa.eu/sparql] Query \n# \nPREFIX era: \n\nSELECT DISTINCT ?Class ?p\nWHERE {\nGRAPH \n{VALUES ?p {era:trackLoadCapability era:loadCapabilityLineCategory era:loadCapabilitySpeed era:maximumPermittedSpeed era:hasSevereWeatherConditions era:gaugingProfile era:gradientProfile era:minimumHorizontalRadius era:wheelSetGauge era:railInclination era:minimumWheelDiameter era:maximumTrainDeceleration era:eddyCurrentBraking era:magneticBraking era:hasHotAxleBoxDetector era:cantDefficiency era:contactLineSystemType era:energySupplySystem era:rollingStockFireCategory era:protectionLegacySystem era:legacyRadioSystem era:trainDetectionSystemType era:maximumBrakingDistance era:hasAdditionalBrakingInformation era:lineReference era:gaugingProfile era:length era:platformHeight era:temperatureRange era:geographicalLocationOperationalPoint era:gaugingProfile} \n ?xx a ?Class . \n ?xx ?p ?value\n }\n} ORDER BY ?Class" }, { "kind": 1, "language": "markdown", "value": "# Completeness core parameters - Contact line system details in Spain" }, { "kind": 2, "language": "sparql", "value": "#\n# Query [endpoint=https://virtuoso.ecdp.tech.ec.europa.eu/sparql] Query \n# \nPREFIX era: \n\nSELECT DISTINCT ?track ?cls ?p #?rinfIndex \nWHERE {\n GRAPH {\n VALUES ?inCountry {} .\n VALUES ?p {era:energySupplySystem era:contactLineSystemType}\n ?track a era:Track . \n ?track era:contactLineSystem ?cls .\n ?sectionOfLine era:track ?track .\n ?sectionOfLine a era:SectionOfLine .\n ?sectionOfLine era:inCountry ?inCountry.\n GRAPH {?p era:rinfIndex ?rinfIndex} .\n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?cls ?p ?propertyValue .}\n }\n} ORDER BY ?track ?cls LIMIT 1000 " }, { "kind": 1, "language": "markdown", "value": "# Completeness core parameters - Contact line system details in general" }, { "kind": 2, "language": "sparql", "value": "#\n# Query [endpoint=https://virtuoso.ecdp.tech.ec.europa.eu/sparql] Query \n# \nPREFIX era: \n\nSELECT DISTINCT ?p ?inCountry ?numTotalTracks ?numTracksWithPropertyAsCoreParameter ?numTracksWithoutPropertyAsCoreParameter\nWHERE {\nGRAPH {\n VALUES ?p {era:energySupplySystem era:contactLineSystemType}\n{\nSELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry (COUNT(DISTINCT ?track) AS ?numTotalTracks)\nWHERE {\n ?track a era:Track . \n ?sectionOfLine era:track ?track .\n ?sectionOfLine a era:SectionOfLine .\n ?sectionOfLine era:inCountry ?inCountry\n} \n} OPTIONAL\n{\nSELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry ?p (COUNT(DISTINCT ?track) AS ?numTracksWithPropertyAsCoreParameter)\nWHERE {\n VALUES ?p {era:energySupplySystem era:contactLineSystemType}\n ?track a era:Track . \n ?track era:contactLineSystem ?cls .\n ?cls ?p ?propertyValue .\n ?sectionOfLine era:track ?track .\n ?sectionOfLine a era:SectionOfLine .\n ?sectionOfLine era:inCountry ?inCountry.\n} \n} OPTIONAL\n{\nSELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry ?p (COUNT(DISTINCT ?track) AS ?numTracksWithoutPropertyAsCoreParameter) \nWHERE {\n VALUES ?p {era:energySupplySystem era:contactLineSystemType}\n ?track a era:Track . \n ?track era:contactLineSystem ?cls .\n ?sectionOfLine era:track ?track .\n ?sectionOfLine a era:SectionOfLine .\n ?sectionOfLine era:inCountry ?inCountry.\n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?cls ?p ?propertyValue .}\n} \n}\n}\n} ORDER BY ?p ?inCountry " }, { "kind": 1, "language": "markdown", "value": "# Completeness core parameters - Operational point details in Spain (no results)" }, { "kind": 2, "language": "sparql", "value": "#\n# Query [endpoint=https://virtuoso.ecdp.tech.ec.europa.eu/sparql] Query \n# \nPREFIX era: \n\nSELECT DISTINCT ?entity ?p ?rinfIndex \nWHERE {\nGRAPH {\n VALUES ?inCountry {} .\n VALUES ?p {era:lineReference}\n ?entity a era:OperationalPoint .\n ?entity era:inCountry ?inCountry .\n GRAPH {?p era:rinfIndex ?rinfIndex} .\n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?entity ?p ?propertyValue}\n }\n} ORDER BY ?entity LIMIT 1000 \n" }, { "kind": 1, "language": "markdown", "value": "# Completeness core parameters - Operational point details in general" }, { "kind": 2, "language": "sparql", "value": "#\n# Query [endpoint=https://virtuoso.ecdp.tech.ec.europa.eu/sparql] Query \n# \nPREFIX era: \n\nSELECT DISTINCT ?p ?inCountry ?numTotalEntities ?numEntitiesWithPropertyAsCoreParameter ?numEntitiesWithoutPropertyAsCoreParameter\nWHERE {\nGRAPH {\n VALUES ?p {era:lineReference}\n{\nSELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry (COUNT(DISTINCT ?entity) AS ?numTotalEntities)\nWHERE {\n ?entity a era:OperationalPoint .\n ?entity era:inCountry ?inCountry\n} \n} OPTIONAL\n{\nSELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry ?p (COUNT(DISTINCT ?entity) AS ?numEntitiesWithPropertyAsCoreParameter)\nWHERE {\n VALUES ?p {era:lineReference}\n ?entity a era:OperationalPoint .\n ?entity era:inCountry ?inCountry .\n ?entity ?p ?propertyValue .\n} \n} OPTIONAL\n{\nSELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry ?p (COUNT(DISTINCT ?entity) AS ?numEntitiesWithoutPropertyAsCoreParameter) \nWHERE {\n VALUES ?p {era:lineReference}\n ?entity a era:OperationalPoint .\n ?entity era:inCountry ?inCountry .\n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?entity ?p ?propertyValue }\n} \n}\n}\n} ORDER BY ?p ?inCountry " }, { "kind": 1, "language": "markdown", "value": "# Completeness core parameters - Platform details in Spain" }, { "kind": 2, "language": "sparql", "value": "#\n# Query [endpoint=https://virtuoso.ecdp.tech.ec.europa.eu/sparql] Query \n# \nPREFIX era: \n\nSELECT DISTINCT ?entity ?p ?rinfIndex \nWHERE {\nGRAPH {\n VALUES ?inCountry {} .\n VALUES ?p {era:platformId era:length era:platformHeight}\n ?entity a era:Platform .\n ?track a era:Track.\n ?track era:platform ?entity .\n ?sectionOfLine era:track ?track .\n ?sectionOfLine era:inCountry ?inCountry .\n GRAPH {?p era:rinfIndex ?rinfIndex} .\n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?entity ?p ?propertyValue}\n }\n} ORDER BY ?entity LIMIT 1000 \n\n" }, { "kind": 1, "language": "markdown", "value": "# Completeness core parameters - Platform details in general" }, { "kind": 2, "language": "sparql", "value": "#\n# Query [endpoint=https://virtuoso.ecdp.tech.ec.europa.eu/sparql] Query \n# \nPREFIX era: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?p ?inCountry ?numTotalTracks ?numTracksWithPropertyAsCoreParameter ?numTracksWithoutPropertyAsCoreParameter\nWHERE {\nGRAPH {\n VALUES ?p {era:platformId era:length era:platformHeight}\n{\nSELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry (COUNT(DISTINCT ?track) AS ?numTotalTracks)\nWHERE {\n ?entity a era:Platform .\n ?track a era:Track.\n ?track era:platform ?entity .\n ?sectionOfLine era:track ?track .\n ?sectionOfLine era:inCountry ?inCountry \n} \n} OPTIONAL\n{\nSELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry ?p (COUNT(DISTINCT ?track) AS ?numTracksWithPropertyAsCoreParameter)\nWHERE {\n VALUES ?p {era:platformId era:length era:platformHeight}\n ?entity a era:Platform .\n ?track a era:Track.\n ?track era:platform ?entity .\n ?sectionOfLine era:track ?track .\n ?sectionOfLine era:inCountry ?inCountry .\n ?entity ?p ?propertyValue .\n} \n} OPTIONAL\n{\nSELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry ?p (COUNT(DISTINCT ?track) AS ?numTracksWithoutPropertyAsCoreParameter) \nWHERE {\n VALUES ?p {era:platformId era:length era:platformHeight}\n ?entity a era:Platform .\n ?track a era:Track.\n ?track era:platform ?entity .\n ?sectionOfLine era:track ?track .\n ?sectionOfLine era:inCountry ?inCountry \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?entity ?p ?propertyValue .}\n} \n}\n}\n} ORDER BY ?p ?inCountry" }, { "kind": 1, "language": "markdown", "value": "# Completeness core parameters - Siding details for Spain" }, { "kind": 2, "language": "sparql", "value": "#\n# Query [endpoint=https://virtuoso.ecdp.tech.ec.europa.eu/sparql] Query \n# \nPREFIX era: \n\nSELECT DISTINCT ?entity ?p ?rinfIndex \nWHERE {\n GRAPH {\n VALUES ?inCountry {} .\n VALUES ?p {era:length era:minimumHorizontalRadius}\n ?entity a era:Siding .\n ?op a era:OperationalPoint .\n ?op era:siding ?entity .\n ?op era:inCountry ?inCountry .\n GRAPH {?p era:rinfIndex ?rinfIndex} .\n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?entity ?p ?propertyValue}\n }\n} ORDER BY ?entity LIMIT 1000 \n " }, { "kind": 1, "language": "markdown", "value": "# Completeness core parameters - Siding details in general" }, { "kind": 2, "language": "sparql", "value": "#\n# Query [endpoint=https://virtuoso.ecdp.tech.ec.europa.eu/sparql] Query \n# \nPREFIX era: \n\nSELECT DISTINCT ?p ?inCountry ?numTotalEntities ?numEntitiesWithPropertyAsCoreParameter ?numEntitiesWithoutPropertyAsCoreParameter\nWHERE {\nGRAPH {\n VALUES ?p {era:length era:minimumHorizontalRadius}\n{\nSELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry (COUNT(DISTINCT ?entity) AS ?numTotalEntities)\nWHERE {\n ?entity a era:Siding .\n ?op a era:OperationalPoint .\n ?op era:siding ?entity .\n ?op era:inCountry ?inCountry\n} \n} OPTIONAL\n{\nSELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry ?p (COUNT(DISTINCT ?entity) AS ?numEntitiesWithPropertyAsCoreParameter)\nWHERE {\n VALUES ?p {era:length era:minimumHorizontalRadius}\n ?entity a era:Siding .\n ?entity ?p ?propertyValue .\n ?op a era:OperationalPoint .\n ?op era:siding ?entity .\n ?op era:inCountry ?inCountry\n} \n} OPTIONAL\n{\nSELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry ?p (COUNT(DISTINCT ?entity) AS ?numEntitiesWithoutPropertyAsCoreParameter) \nWHERE {\n VALUES ?p {era:length era:minimumHorizontalRadius}\n ?entity a era:Siding .\n ?op a era:OperationalPoint .\n ?op era:siding ?entity .\n ?op era:inCountry ?inCountry\n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?entity ?p ?propertyValue }\n} \n}\n}\n} ORDER BY ?p ?inCountry " }, { "kind": 1, "language": "markdown", "value": "# Completeness core parameters - Section of line details for Spain (no results)" }, { "kind": 2, "language": "sparql", "value": "#\n# Query [endpoint=https://virtuoso.ecdp.tech.ec.europa.eu/sparql] Query \n# \nPREFIX era: \n\nSELECT DISTINCT ?sectionOfLine ?p ?rinfIndex \nWHERE {\n GRAPH {\n VALUES ?inCountry {} .\n VALUES ?p {era:length}\n ?sectionOfLine a era:SectionOfLine . \n ?sectionOfLine era:inCountry ?inCountry.\n GRAPH {?p era:rinfIndex ?rinfIndex}\n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?sectionOfLine ?p ?propertyValue }\n }\n} ORDER BY ?sectionOfLine LIMIT 1000 " }, { "kind": 1, "language": "markdown", "value": "# Completeness core parameters - Section of line details in general" }, { "kind": 2, "language": "sparql", "value": "#\n# Query [endpoint=https://virtuoso.ecdp.tech.ec.europa.eu/sparql] Query \n# \nPREFIX era: \n\nSELECT DISTINCT ?p ?inCountry ?numTotalSOLs ?numSOLsWithPropertyAsCoreParameter ?numSOLsWithoutPropertyAsCoreParameter\nWHERE {\n GRAPH {\n VALUES ?p {era:length}\n{\nSELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry (COUNT(DISTINCT ?sectionOfLine) AS ?numTotalSOLs)\nWHERE {\n ?sectionOfLine a era:SectionOfLine .\n ?sectionOfLine era:inCountry ?inCountry\n} \n} OPTIONAL\n{\nSELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry ?p (COUNT(DISTINCT ?sectionOfLine) AS ?numSOLsWithPropertyAsCoreParameter)\nWHERE {\n VALUES ?p {era:length}\n ?sectionOfLine a era:SectionOfLine .\n ?sectionOfLine ?p ?propertyValue .\n ?sectionOfLine era:inCountry ?inCountry.\n} \n} OPTIONAL\n{\nSELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry ?p (COUNT(DISTINCT ?sectionOfLine) AS ?numSOLsWithoutPropertyAsCoreParameter) \nWHERE {\n VALUES ?p {era:length}\n ?sectionOfLine a era:SectionOfLine .\n ?sectionOfLine era:inCountry ?inCountry.\n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?sectionOfLine ?p ?propertyValue . VALUES ?p {era:length}}\n} \n}\n}\n} ORDER BY ?p ?inCountry " }, { "kind": 1, "language": "markdown", "value": "# Completeness core parameters - Tracks details for Spain" }, { "kind": 2, "language": "sparql", "value": "#\n# Query [endpoint=https://virtuoso.ecdp.tech.ec.europa.eu/sparql] Query \n# \nPREFIX era: \n\nSELECT DISTINCT ?track ?p #?rinfIndex \nWHERE {\nGRAPH {\n VALUES ?inCountry {} .\n VALUES ?p {era:wheelSetGauge era:gaugingProfile era:railInclination era:eddyCurrentBraking era:magneticBraking era:minimumWheelDiameter era:minimumHorizontalRadius era:protectionLegacySystem era:legacyRadioSystem era:maximumTrainDeceleration era:gradientProfile era:hasHotAxleBoxDetector era:hasSevereWeatherConditions era:trackLoadCapability era:maximumBrakingDistance era:maximumPermittedSpeed era:hasAdditionalBrakingInformation era:minimumTemperature era:maximumTemperature era:cantDefficiency}\n ?track a era:Track . \n ?sectionOfLine era:track ?track .\n ?sectionOfLine a era:SectionOfLine .\n ?sectionOfLine era:inCountry ?inCountry.\n GRAPH {?p era:rinfIndex ?rinfIndex} .\n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?track ?p ?propertyValue .}\n }\n} ORDER BY ?track LIMIT 1000 " }, { "kind": 1, "language": "markdown", "value": "# Completeness core parameters - Tracks details in general" }, { "kind": 2, "language": "sparql", "value": "#\n# Query [endpoint=https://virtuoso.ecdp.tech.ec.europa.eu/sparql] Query \n# \nPREFIX era: \n\nSELECT DISTINCT ?p ?inCountry ?numTotalTracks ?numTracksWithPropertyAsCoreParameter ?numTracksWithoutPropertyAsCoreParameter\nWHERE {\nGRAPH {\n VALUES ?p {era:wheelSetGauge era:gaugingProfile era:railInclination era:eddyCurrentBraking era:magneticBraking era:minimumWheelDiameter era:minimumHorizontalRadius era:protectionLegacySystem era:legacyRadioSystem era:maximumTrainDeceleration era:gradientProfile era:hasHotAxleBoxDetector era:hasSevereWeatherConditions era:trackLoadCapability era:maximumBrakingDistance era:maximumPermittedSpeed era:hasAdditionalBrakingInformation era:minimumTemperature era:maximumTemperature era:cantDefficiency}\n{\nSELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry (COUNT(DISTINCT ?track) AS ?numTotalTracks)\nWHERE {\n ?track a era:Track . \n ?sectionOfLine era:track ?track .\n ?sectionOfLine a era:SectionOfLine .\n ?sectionOfLine era:inCountry ?inCountry\n} \n} OPTIONAL\n{\nSELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry ?p (COUNT(DISTINCT ?track) AS ?numTracksWithPropertyAsCoreParameter)\nWHERE {\n VALUES ?p {era:wheelSetGauge era:gaugingProfile era:railInclination era:eddyCurrentBraking era:magneticBraking era:minimumWheelDiameter era:minimumHorizontalRadius era:protectionLegacySystem era:legacyRadioSystem era:maximumTrainDeceleration era:gradientProfile era:hasHotAxleBoxDetector era:hasSevereWeatherConditions era:trackLoadCapability era:maximumBrakingDistance era:maximumPermittedSpeed era:hasAdditionalBrakingInformation era:minimumTemperature era:maximumTemperature era:cantDefficiency}\n ?track a era:Track . \n ?track ?p ?propertyValue .\n ?sectionOfLine era:track ?track .\n ?sectionOfLine a era:SectionOfLine .\n ?sectionOfLine era:inCountry ?inCountry.\n} \n} OPTIONAL\n{\nSELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry ?p (COUNT(DISTINCT ?track) AS ?numTracksWithoutPropertyAsCoreParameter) \nWHERE {\n VALUES ?p {era:wheelSetGauge era:gaugingProfile era:railInclination era:eddyCurrentBraking era:magneticBraking era:minimumWheelDiameter era:minimumHorizontalRadius era:protectionLegacySystem era:legacyRadioSystem era:maximumTrainDeceleration era:gradientProfile era:hasHotAxleBoxDetector era:hasSevereWeatherConditions era:trackLoadCapability era:maximumBrakingDistance era:maximumPermittedSpeed era:hasAdditionalBrakingInformation era:minimumTemperature era:maximumTemperature era:cantDefficiency}\n ?track a era:Track . \n ?sectionOfLine era:track ?track .\n ?sectionOfLine a era:SectionOfLine .\n ?sectionOfLine era:inCountry ?inCountry.\n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?track ?p ?propertyValue .}\n} \n}\n}\n} ORDER BY ?p ?inCountry " }, { "kind": 1, "language": "markdown", "value": "# Completeness core parameters - Train detection system details for Spain" }, { "kind": 2, "language": "sparql", "value": "#\n# Query [endpoint=https://virtuoso.ecdp.tech.ec.europa.eu/sparql] Query \n# \nPREFIX era: \n\nSELECT DISTINCT ?track ?tds ?p #?rinfIndex \nWHERE {\n GRAPH {\n VALUES ?inCountry {} .\n VALUES ?p {era:trainDetectionSystemType}\n ?track a era:Track . \n ?track era:trainDetectionSystem ?tds .\n ?sectionOfLine era:track ?track .\n ?sectionOfLine a era:SectionOfLine .\n ?sectionOfLine era:inCountry ?inCountry.\n GRAPH {?p era:rinfIndex ?rinfIndex} .\n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?tds ?p ?propertyValue .}\n }\n} ORDER BY ?track ?tds LIMIT 1000 " }, { "kind": 1, "language": "markdown", "value": "# Completeness core parameters - Train detection system details in general" }, { "kind": 2, "language": "sparql", "value": "#\n# Query [endpoint=https://virtuoso.ecdp.tech.ec.europa.eu/sparql] Query \n# \nPREFIX era: \n\nSELECT DISTINCT ?p ?inCountry ?numTotalTracks ?numTracksWithPropertyAsCoreParameter ?numTracksWithoutPropertyAsCoreParameter\nWHERE {\n GRAPH {\n VALUES ?p {era:trainDetectionSystemType}\n{\nSELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry (COUNT(DISTINCT ?track) AS ?numTotalTracks)\nWHERE {\n ?track a era:Track . \n ?sectionOfLine era:track ?track .\n ?sectionOfLine a era:SectionOfLine .\n ?sectionOfLine era:inCountry ?inCountry\n} \n} OPTIONAL\n{\nSELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry ?p (COUNT(DISTINCT ?track) AS ?numTracksWithPropertyAsCoreParameter)\nWHERE {\n VALUES ?p {era:trainDetectionSystemType}\n ?track a era:Track . \n ?track era:trainDetectionSystem ?tds .\n ?tds ?p ?propertyValue .\n ?sectionOfLine era:track ?track .\n ?sectionOfLine a era:SectionOfLine .\n ?sectionOfLine era:inCountry ?inCountry.\n} \n} OPTIONAL\n{\nSELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry ?p (COUNT(DISTINCT ?track) AS ?numTracksWithoutPropertyAsCoreParameter) \nWHERE {\n VALUES ?p {era:trainDetectionSystemType}\n ?track a era:Track . \n ?track era:trainDetectionSystem ?tds .\n ?sectionOfLine era:track ?track .\n ?sectionOfLine a era:SectionOfLine .\n ?sectionOfLine era:inCountry ?inCountry.\n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?tds ?p ?propertyValue .}\n} \n}\n}\n} ORDER BY ?p ?inCountry " }, { "kind": 1, "language": "markdown", "value": "# Completeness core parameters - Tunnels details for Spain" }, { "kind": 2, "language": "sparql", "value": "#\n# Query [endpoint=https://virtuoso.ecdp.tech.ec.europa.eu/sparql] Query \n# \nPREFIX era: \n\nSELECT DISTINCT ?entity ?p ?rinfIndex \nWHERE {\n GRAPH {\n VALUES ?inCountry {} .\n VALUES ?p {era:length era:rollingStockFireCategory era:tunnelIdentification}\n ?entity a era:Tunnel .\n ?entity era:inCountry ?inCountry.\n GRAPH {?p era:rinfIndex ?rinfIndex} .\n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?entity ?p ?propertyValue }\n }\n} ORDER BY ?entity LIMIT 1000 " }, { "kind": 1, "language": "markdown", "value": "# Completeness core parameters - Tunnels details in general" }, { "kind": 2, "language": "sparql", "value": "#\n# Query [endpoint=https://virtuoso.ecdp.tech.ec.europa.eu/sparql] Query \n# \nPREFIX era: \n\nSELECT DISTINCT ?p ?inCountry ?numTotalEntities ?numEntitiesWithPropertyAsCoreParameter ?numEntitiesWithoutPropertyAsCoreParameter\nWHERE {\n GRAPH {\n VALUES ?p {era:length era:rollingStockFireCategory era:tunnelIdentification}\n{\nSELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry (COUNT(DISTINCT ?entity) AS ?numTotalEntities)\nWHERE {\n ?entity a era:Tunnel .\n ?entity era:inCountry ?inCountry\n} \n} OPTIONAL\n{\nSELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry ?p (COUNT(DISTINCT ?entity) AS ?numEntitiesWithPropertyAsCoreParameter)\nWHERE {\n VALUES ?p {era:length era:rollingStockFireCategory era:tunnelIdentification}\n ?entity a era:Tunnel .\n ?entity ?p ?propertyValue .\n ?entity era:inCountry ?inCountry.\n} \n} OPTIONAL\n{\nSELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry ?p (COUNT(DISTINCT ?entity) AS ?numEntitiesWithoutPropertyAsCoreParameter) \nWHERE {\n VALUES ?p {era:length era:rollingStockFireCategory era:tunnelIdentification}\n ?entity a era:Tunnel .\n ?entity era:inCountry ?inCountry.\n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?entity ?p ?propertyValue }\n} \n}\n}\n} ORDER BY ?p ?inCountry " }, { "kind": 1, "language": "markdown", "value": "# Completeness load capabilities - Query 1" }, { "kind": 2, "language": "sparql", "value": "#\n# Query [endpoint=https://virtuoso.ecdp.tech.ec.europa.eu/sparql] Query \n# \nPREFIX era: \n\nSELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry ?numTotalTracks ?numTracksWithLoadCapability ?numTracksWithoutLoadCapability\nWHERE {\nGRAPH {\n{\nSELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry (COUNT(DISTINCT ?track) AS ?numTotalTracks)\nWHERE {\n ?track a era:Track . \n ?sectionOfLine era:track ?track .\n ?sectionOfLine a era:SectionOfLine .\n ?sectionOfLine era:inCountry ?inCountry\n} \n} OPTIONAL\n{\nSELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry (COUNT(DISTINCT ?track) AS ?numTracksWithLoadCapability)\nWHERE {\n ?track a era:Track . \n ?track era:trackLoadCapability ?loadCapability .\n ?sectionOfLine era:track ?track .\n ?sectionOfLine a era:SectionOfLine .\n ?sectionOfLine era:inCountry ?inCountry.\n} \n} OPTIONAL\n{\nSELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry (COUNT(DISTINCT ?track) AS ?numTracksWithoutLoadCapability) \nWHERE {\n ?track a era:Track . \n ?sectionOfLine era:track ?track .\n ?sectionOfLine a era:SectionOfLine .\n ?sectionOfLine era:inCountry ?inCountry.\n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?track era:trackLoadCapability ?loadCapability .}\n} \n}\n}\n}\n" }, { "kind": 1, "language": "markdown", "value": "# Completeness load capabilities - Query 2 all completed" }, { "kind": 2, "language": "sparql", "value": "#\n# Query [endpoint=https://virtuoso.ecdp.tech.ec.europa.eu/sparql] Query \n# \nPREFIX era: \n\nSELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry ?numTotalTracks ?numTracksWithLoadCapability ?numTracksWithoutLoadCapability\nWHERE {\nGRAPH {\n{\nSELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry (COUNT(DISTINCT ?track) AS ?numTotalTracks)\nWHERE {\n ?track a era:Track . \n ?sectionOfLine era:track ?track .\n ?sectionOfLine a era:SectionOfLine .\n ?sectionOfLine era:inCountry ?inCountry.\n} \n}\n{\nSELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry (COUNT(DISTINCT ?track) AS ?numTracksWithLoadCapability)\nWHERE {\n ?track a era:Track . \n ?track era:trackLoadCapability ?loadCapability .\n ?sectionOfLine era:track ?track .\n ?sectionOfLine a era:SectionOfLine .\n ?sectionOfLine era:inCountry ?inCountry.\n} \n}\nFILTER (?numTotalTracks = ?numTracksWithLoadCapability)\nBIND(0 AS ?numTracksWithoutLoadCapability)\n}\n}\n" }, { "kind": 1, "language": "markdown", "value": "# Completeness load capabilities - Query 2 all missing" }, { "kind": 2, "language": "sparql", "value": "#\n# Query [endpoint=https://virtuoso.ecdp.tech.ec.europa.eu/sparql] Query \n# \nPREFIX era: \n\nSELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry ?numTotalTracks ?numTracksWithLoadCapability ?numTracksWithoutLoadCapability\nWHERE {\nGRAPH {\n{\nSELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry (COUNT(DISTINCT ?track) AS ?numTotalTracks)\nWHERE {\n ?track a era:Track . \n ?sectionOfLine era:track ?track .\n ?sectionOfLine a era:SectionOfLine .\n ?sectionOfLine era:inCountry ?inCountry.\n} \n}\n{\nSELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry (COUNT(DISTINCT ?track) AS ?numTracksWithoutLoadCapability)\nWHERE {\n ?track a era:Track . \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?track era:trackLoadCapability ?loadcapability} .\n ?sectionOfLine era:track ?track .\n ?sectionOfLine a era:SectionOfLine .\n ?sectionOfLine era:inCountry ?inCountry.\n} \n}\nBIND(0 AS ?numTracksWithLoadCapability)\n}\n}\n\n\n" }, { "kind": 1, "language": "markdown", "value": "# Completeness load capabilities - Details for Spain" }, { "kind": 2, "language": "sparql", "value": "#\n# Query [endpoint=https://virtuoso.ecdp.tech.ec.europa.eu/sparql] Query \n# \nPREFIX era: \n\nSELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry ?sectionOfLine ?trackWithoutLoadCapability\nWHERE {\n GRAPH {\n VALUES ?inCountry {} .\n ?trackWithoutLoadCapability a era:Track . \n ?sectionOfLine era:track ?trackWithoutLoadCapability .\n ?sectionOfLine a era:SectionOfLine .\n ?sectionOfLine era:inCountry ?inCountry.\n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?trackWithoutLoadCapability era:trackLoadCapability ?loadcapability .}\n }\n}" }, { "kind": 1, "language": "markdown", "value": "# Length of lines per member state and type" }, { "kind": 2, "language": "sparql", "value": "#\n# Query [endpoint=https://virtuoso.ecdp.tech.ec.europa.eu/sparql] Query \n# \nPREFIX era: \nPREFIX dc: \nPREFIX xsd: \n\nSELECT DISTINCT ?id ?inCountry ?y ?totalLengthKm WHERE {\nGRAPH {\n{SELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry ?y (round(xsd:decimal(SUM(?length)/1000)) AS ?totalLengthKm)\nWHERE {\n ?element a ?y .\n ?element era:length ?length .\n ?element era:inCountry ?inCountry.\n}}\nSERVICE {\n ?inCountry dc:identifier ?id}\n }\n}\n\n\n" }, { "kind": 1, "language": "markdown", "value": "# Length of lines per member state - Only sections of line" }, { "kind": 2, "language": "sparql", "value": "#\n# Query [endpoint=https://virtuoso.ecdp.tech.ec.europa.eu/sparql] Query \n# \nPREFIX era: \nPREFIX era: \nPREFIX dc: \nPREFIX xsd: \n\nSELECT DISTINCT ?id ?inCountry ?totalLengthKm {\nGRAPH {\n{SELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry (round(xsd:decimal(SUM(?length)/1000)) AS ?totalLengthKm)\nWHERE {\n ?element a era:SectionOfLine .\n ?element era:length ?length .\n ?element era:inCountry ?inCountry.\n}}\nSERVICE {\n ?inCountry dc:identifier ?id}\n }\n}\n" }, { "kind": 1, "language": "markdown", "value": "# Length of lines per member state" }, { "kind": 2, "language": "sparql", "value": "#\n# Query [endpoint=https://virtuoso.ecdp.tech.ec.europa.eu/sparql] Query \n# \nPREFIX era: \nPREFIX era: \nPREFIX dc: \nPREFIX xsd:\n\nSELECT DISTINCT ?id ?inCountry ?totalLengthKm {\nGRAPH {\n{SELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry (round(xsd:decimal(SUM(?length)/1000)) AS ?totalLengthKm)\nWHERE {\n ?element a ?y . # currently includes sections of line and tunnels\n ?element era:length ?length .\n ?element era:inCountry ?inCountry.\n}}\nSERVICE {\n ?inCountry dc:identifier ?id}\n }\n}\n\n" }, { "kind": 1, "language": "markdown", "value": "# Operational points per member state" }, { "kind": 2, "language": "sparql", "value": "#\n# Query [endpoint=https://virtuoso.ecdp.tech.ec.europa.eu/sparql] Query \n# \nPREFIX era: \nPREFIX era: \nPREFIX dc: \n\nSELECT DISTINCT ?id ?inCountry ?count\nWHERE{\nGRAPH {\n{SELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry (COUNT(DISTINCT ?OP) AS ?count)\nFROM \nWHERE {\n ?OP a era:OperationalPoint.\n ?OP era:canonicalURI ?OP .\n ?OP era:inCountry ?inCountry.\n}}\nSERVICE {\n ?inCountry dc:identifier ?id\n}\n}\n} " }, { "kind": 1, "language": "markdown", "value": "# Sections of line per member state" }, { "kind": 2, "language": "sparql", "value": "#\n# Query [endpoint=https://virtuoso.ecdp.tech.ec.europa.eu/sparql] Query \n# \nPREFIX era: \nPREFIX dc: \n\nSELECT DISTINCT ?id ?inCountry ?count\nWHERE{\nGRAPH {\n{SELECT DISTINCT ?inCountry (COUNT(DISTINCT ?SL) AS ?count)\nWHERE {\n ?SL a era:SectionOfLine.\n ?SL era:canonicalURI ?SL .\n ?SL era:inCountry ?inCountry.\n}}\nSERVICE {\n ?inCountry dc:identifier ?id\n}\n}\n}\n" }, { "kind": 1, "language": "markdown", "value": "# Tracks from neighboring countries to Ukraine" }, { "kind": 2, "language": "sparql", "value": "#\n# Query [endpoint=https://virtuoso.ecdp.tech.ec.europa.eu/sparql] Query \n# \nPREFIX era: \nPREFIX era: \nPREFIX country: \n\nSELECT DISTINCT ?country ?gprofile\nWHERE {\nGRAPH {\n VALUES ?country {country:HUN country:ROU country:SVK country:POL}\n ?sectionOfLine a era:SectionOfLine .\n ?sectionOfLine era:inCountry ?country .\n ?sectionOfLine era:track ?track .\n ?track a era:Track . \n ?track era:gaugingProfile ?gprofile .\n }\n} ORDER BY ?country" }, { "kind": 1, "language": "markdown", "value": "# Tracks non TSI compliant per country" }, { "kind": 2, "language": "sparql", "value": "#\n# Query [endpoint=https://virtuoso.ecdp.tech.ec.europa.eu/sparql] Query \n# \nPREFIX era: \nPREFIX xsd: \n\nSELECT DISTINCT ?country (COUNT(DISTINCT ?track) AS ?countTracks)\nWHERE {\nGRAPH {\n ?sectionOfLine a era:SectionOfLine .\n ?sectionOfLine era:inCountry ?country .\n ?sectionOfLine era:track ?track .\n ?track a era:Track . \n ?track era:hasTSITrainDetection "false"^^xsd:boolean \n}\n} ORDER BY ?country\n" }, { "kind": 1, "language": "markdown", "value": "# Tracks with train detection system non TSI compliant per country" }, { "kind": 2, "language": "sparql", "value": "#\n# Query [endpoint=https://virtuoso.ecdp.tech.ec.europa.eu/sparql] Query \n# \nPREFIX era: \n\nSELECT DISTINCT ?country ?p (COUNT(DISTINCT ?track) AS ?numberTracks)\nWHERE {\nGRAPH {\n ?sectionOfLine a era:SectionOfLine .\n ?sectionOfLine era:inCountry ?country .\n ?sectionOfLine era:track ?track .\n ?track a era:Track . \n ?track era:trainDetectionSystem ?tds .\n ?tds a era:TrainDetectionSystem .\n VALUES ?p {era:tsiCompliantCompositeBrakeBlocks era:tsiCompliantFerromagneticWheel era:tsiCompliantMaxImpedanceWheelset era:tsiCompliantMetalConstruction era:tsiCompliantMetalFreeSpace era:tsiCompliantRSTShuntImpedance era:tsiCompliantSandCharacteristics era:tsiCompliantSanding era:tsiCompliantShuntDevices } \n ?tds ?p \n }\n} ORDER BY ?country ?p" } ]